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thing 1

A member registered May 04, 2022

Recent community posts

Lmao you said he's not half bad, and that kinda means an insult

Lmao few hours ago me and thing 2 made some ansy fans rage quit 

My 301 post yessir

I only have a chance in my home PC not my school computer lmao

Ay guys me and thing 2 will be playing like noobs who think there food cuz of chrome book so we might start by ourselves then start playing with u all

Nah thing 2 and me were playing a kills match not flag captures then he got annoyed and captured flags LMAO (jk) but still

Re tar ded dude hacked but cried and told his mom lmao he never hacked again

What the this guy's on now?

When's the clan wars EST time imma spectate

And please please please please tell me the what time the clan wars is because I want to join

EST means Eastern time btw please tell me

And me I wanna spectate


Nah I'm talking about everybody getting it and stuff

Fearless kinda getting old


new clan huh

my day just started and I'm heading to school and I'll be on more often but I'll play trash because it's really laggy school computers

Lmao communism and my community of op players just took down eu

I want the bone head Soo bad but I just can never get the coins because I don't play as much as you guys


i never played batle dude before 😳


A whatrjdrjdiksjeisjsjsje

Mines 679 because it was me against like 7 people and I was just gaurding the flag and I was killing them like flies

I will send a code later so a bit of a heads up


Looking real fine there unbounded

Lmao that's all you wanted to hear I bet. I agree your good 2

(1 edit)

I look forward to playing you guys 

Oooooooo unbounded and guest opened up to pelican finally welcome friends 😁


same i might spectate

Cool but your character just freezes his/her place wherever the character is starting at

dang your very fast

Omgg yess

what???? At least put a font in your name saying dev or somthing

xD I love that spot

Guest 70 is the only hard person in here to beat for me he kills me I kill him he does a 360 I do a rage quit

I really don't btw he's really nice

I really hope you change stuff in halls, that's my least favorite map because it's just kinda boring and kinda hard to get the flags if someone canoe at door

DC gon win the war

Soo with the war I think it's going to be really close


the reason it's going to be close there are a lot of DC members but SC members are a little better then DC. Please don't get mad at me everybody here is good but you probably know what I mean by slightly better 

I say no peace will ever happen